Autonomous B2B agents struggle to keep pace with fast-changing sales dynamics, leading to performance drop-offs. The key is empowering frontline staff to operate and optimize these agents, ensuring they remain effective in adapting to evolving priorities and actions.
Fully autonomous B2B agents are seeing unexpected drop offs in performance.
We learnt this the hard way a while back.
The sales org is an incredible fast learning environment, with tight feedback loops incentivised by commission. This means that plays, tactics and competitors are continually evolving and what works today may not work tomorrow.
At the moment being fully agentic can not really learn and keep pace. This is particularly acute in the “prioritisation” of which account to act on and what “action” should be taken. This is why a lot of drop off happens over time as these agentic flows become stale.
The trick is turning frontline staff from doers into operators of these agents. Constantly tweaking and optimising their performance. This is what's needed today in order to have sustained impact.As for the future, it's a fast moving space.